Hello, hello! How was your weekend? Ours was pretty lazy....it was just too coooooold to do anything. (Yes, I'm whining.) We did manage to eat a batch of Crockpot Potato Soup, and I made biscuits twice, just so we could smother them in Strawberry Butter. How's that for getting ready for bathing suit season?!

I'm still picking my way through all the craft supplies, but the fun part is discovering things I forgot I had! Like plain notecards and ink pads. I quickly took to Pinterest for some ideas, and came up with these Heart-Stamped Cards, using an eraser!

Hi Sugarplum | Erasor Stamped Cards
I know it's eraser, not erasor. But ain't nobody got time for new graphics.

{What You Need}

Plain Notecards
Ink Pad
Pencil with unused eraser
X-acto knife

Hi Sugarplum | Erasor Stamped Cards

Start by drawing your shape on the eraser. So technically you need two pencils for this project.

Hi Sugarplum | Erasor Stamped Cards

Using a sharp blade, slowly cut around the shape. This is another one of those 'don't drink the night before' projects. You definitely want a steady hand, because no Valentine is worth losing a digit over.

Hi Sugarplum | Erasor Stamped Cards

Then just dip and stamp. TWSS (You didn't think I left the TWSS behind in 2013, did you? No worries, I'm still a 14-year-old boy.)

Hi Sugarplum | Erasor Stamped Cards

Hi Sugarplum | Erasor Stamped Cards

Hi Sugarplum | Erasor Stamped Cards

Babygirl wanted in on the Dip & Stamp, so I gave her some plain gift tags and set her free.

Hi Sugarplum | Erasor Stamped Cards

We tied them to blow-pops with baker's twine for cute Valentine's for her friends.

Hi Sugarplum | Erasor Stamped Cards

Hi Sugarplum | Erasor Stamped Cards

Now we need to decorate a shoebox for her class party. Does anyone else always want to steal this project from their kids?! Maybe I should just make my own box. TWSS


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