Valentine's Day is one of those holidays where I don't intend to do much, then next thing I know, I've created a bunch of projects. Kind of like Father's Day last year...we ended up with a whole mustache week dedicated to dad! But my wheels start spinning, especially when it involves DIY gifts, and I lose my ability to reign it in. Or tap the brakes, as Sheaffer likes to say. I don't know how many Valentine ideas will surface this year, but I'm pretty smitten with the first one!

Simple, quick, cheap, no power tools....that's my kind of project. It could describe other things as well, but we'll let that go.
{What You Need}
Ceramic Dish (mine found here for $2)
Can you handle that?

After trying repeatedly, and unsuccessfully, to free-hand draw a heart in the center...I resorted to using a sticker as my stencil.

Then I peeled the sticker away and filled in the shape with the Sharpie. It's a good idea not to drink the night before because you want a steady hand for this. If you goof, nail polish remover will allow you start over.

It was super cute with just the heart, but I added arrows for more zing. They aren't perfect, but I like the hand-drawn

Perfect little dish for trinkets...maybe rings on your nightstand, or paper clips on your desk. I'm going to package this up for Babygirl's teacher. Or that's the plan anyway. It may decide to live with me. How's that for the giving spirit?!

Oh, and to set the design, I followed the same method as this cute mug.

You know how to tell if a blogger loves their project? They take 127 pictures of it. Squealing is usually involved, too, so thank goodness this isn't a video blog.
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