I like to re-cap each month's top posts, just in case you missed any, and to make it easier for newer readers to catch up. Thank you so much for stopping by when you do!

Such a thrill to be included in Family Circle magazine, alongside my blogging friends for a great round-up of best organizing tips!
It may be Winter, but I'm still mixing brights...Cobalt & Yellow...with leopard jeans, no less!
I peeled back the blog facade and revealed some of my crazy. Don't worry, not all of it. But as many of you shared, I'm not alone!

We graded our progress on 2013's Home Goals. Turns out, I'm a fairly lenient teacher.
Simplest Potato Soup in the crock pot? Git in mah belly!
I opened my heart and shared some grief, along with the story behind my blog name.

Super Bowl fever is brewing at our house...or maybe I'm just excited to see Bruno Mars perform. Either way, I've set a cute table, and rounded up some perfect game day snacks.
We had a great conversation about not only layering rugs, but how you deal with inherited pieces that aren't quite your style.
Okay, so I tooted my own horn and re-capped my personal blog highlights of 2013.
This month was a little lighter on projects, and a lot heavier on emotion and conversations...and I loved it! But don't worry, the paint and glue gun is back out for February. How did January treat you? Happy weekend, lovebugs!
Pssst...you can catch up on all the Top Tens here. Oh, and many of you tried to order my fave booties, but your size was sold-out. You never know when they'll get re-stocked, but you might like these, these or these, which are really similar.
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