I've been showing you the Garage overhaul, bit-by-bit, and today it's finally all complete! Well, maybe not complete-complete, but now it's my new happy place.
Once we upgraded our builder-basic garage door for only $15, things looked good on the outside, but behind those closed doors was a hot-mess.
We organized the Spraypaint, Tools, and new Shelves...all of which was a huge improvement, but I just couldn't stop there. I decided I wanted to have a little fun, and create a cheery spot to greet us everyday.
The white pegboard was just begging for some color, and more storage containers.
For small items like craft brushes and pencils, I wrapped a recycled soup can with coordinating washi tape, drilled a hole in the back, and hung it on a hook.
I switched up the labels on the shelves, and used more coordinating washi.
I also have labeled paint swatches for every room and project in the house, so they new hang from a cup hook screwed into the shelves, for quick reference.
How about this little corner of organized bliss?!?!
Oh that door, how I love thee!! I figured there's no harm in going color-crazy in the garage, right? Oh who am I kidding, the other side of this door is already pretty crazy (it's the Mudroom).
I created a small landing zone for things we need quick access to...like sunscreen, bug spray and a flashlight. There are also some fun hooks for things I don't necessarily want in the house yet...like sweaty hats and wet towels. My daughter loves this bag I made, and keeps it stocked with art supplies for long afternoons at the ballpark.
The old doormat was pretty sad, so I spraypainted stripes on it for new life. I may go back and add a monogram like this mat we made.
Thanks to this Monkey Bar system, even the scooters have a new home, away from my ankles! Along with 4 bats, a hitting stick, 8 full-size balls, a bike pump, and an extra hook for bags! (Don't forget, I'm giving one away here!)
It was a sweaty month getting all this done, but so very worth it!!!
I'm sharing more details and organizing tips from our garage in my contributor post for the adorable, Jen at I Heart Organizing. Come check it out!!
Have you tackled any part of your garage? I'd love to hear tips you have on getting and keeping it organized!
And you won't want to miss who's stopping by this week to play more {20 Questions} with us!!
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