The coolest and most unexpected perk of blogging for me, has been the friends that I've made online. Some I've met in person, but most I haven't. And let's be honest, I probably never will. It's not like I can travel to every city of the country (or world!). Courtney of Courtney OutLoud, is an exception.

I know at some point we will meet. If he called me today and said he'd be in town, I wouldn't hesitate to book his hotel invite him to stay with us. Somehow, we just made that connection online. I think it's a shared love of sarcasm. Whatever it is, I'm so thrilled for all is successes...including his newest venture with Joy & Revelry.

So I jumped at the chance to play along with his White Box Challenge! I received this really unique gold bowl, and was challenged to create a stylish vignette around it.

 Hi Sugarplum | Mantel Vignette

It looked great in virtually every spot in my house, but I finally settled on the mantel. I love how the gold pops against the black, and ties in with the mirror.

Hi Sugarplum | Mantel Vignette

I'm a big fan of mixing metals and textures, so I love the combination of gold with the silver candlesticks, and the glamorous finish of the bowl, paired with the natural elements of Magnolia stems and driftwood.

Hi Sugarplum | Mantel Vignette
Nevermind that my candles are crooked.

Hi Sugarplum | Mantel Vignette

The cool thing about Joy & Revelry, is it's not just another flash-sale site. They have hand-selected designers like Courtney Lake, Paloma Contreras, Bryn Alexandra, Rue Magazine and others, to curate weekly collections of beautiful and unique items. Within the curated collections, the designers explain exactly why they chose the items they did, and help give you ideas on how to incorporate them into your home. It's like getting an interior designer's advice on your decorating purchases!

Use code COL_WHITEBOX_10 for 10% off your total purchase, from any of the storefronts, until August 1, 2013.

Check out how the other bloggers styled their vignettes, too! 
BluLabel Bungalow  | Tomorrow

Have you shopped Joy & Revelry yet? Do you like mixing metals and textures? I know from experience that cut Magnolia stays green for over a month, but do you think the flower bud will bloom?!


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