Today I'm talking salt and sugar and crunchy and greasy... aka, football food! What is it about sporting events that gives us a free pass to eat junk? And the Super Bowl is like the State Fair of sporting events...the junkier the better. We had a heart-breaking loss last week when the Niners went down to the

Obviously I don't have an arsenal of football decor, so I used what we had to set a festive scene. A simple roll of kraft paper and some number stencils made a fun table runner, and paper bags and plastic baskets are perfect for serving chips.

If you see Mr. Sugarplum, don't mention the Niners unless you like seeing grown men cry. (He grew up in the Bay Area.) Will you be watching the Super Bowl this weekend? Are you cheering for the Broncos, Seahawks, or the commercials? What glutenous snacks will you be serving up?
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