Over the years, I've read posts by all the lucky souls who've "stumbled upon" a small stack of the lovely Readers Digest books. But anytime I spotted them out, they were just plain, dark covers. Until a recent stop at Half-Price Books...when I became one of the lucky ducks! I am {Smitten} by these pretty, inexpensive books, and the layer they add to our Living Room.

Hi Sugarplum | Readers Digest Books

We stopped by the bookstore one night, and as always, I asked if they had any Readers Digest books. I tried to play it cool when he brought out an entire box from the back...but I'm sure my attempt just looked like constipation. At only $1 each, it was hard to not bring home the entire box.

 Hi Sugarplum | Readers Digest Books

I did get a funny look from Mr. Sugarplum when I met him at the register with my pile of books.
Mr. SP: Are you getting all those books?
Me: (beaming) Yes! Aren't they pretty?! Only $1!
Mr. SP: What stories are they?
Me: You don't actually read them, duh!
Mr. SP: (blank stare)
Me: The covers are cool and they'll look good in our bookcases and secretary!
Mr. Sp: (blank stare, with flashes of fear for my sanity)
Me: Whatever. Do you have your credit card?

Hi Sugarplum | Readers Digest Books

Hi Sugarplum | Readers Digest Books

Hi Sugarplum | Readers Digest Books

Hi Sugarplum | Readers Digest Books

I love the little pop of color and pattern they add to stacks of books in our shelves, and on tabletops.

Hi Sugarplum | Readers Digest Books

What are you {Smitten} by these days? Have you lucked out finding bookstore gems? Have you ever actually read a Readers Digest book?!

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