I have a Vanity area in my master which is really cute. It is original to the house and I am always trying to think of the perfect set-up for it...but I am often stumped. I recovered this little storage ottoman and bought a cute tray from HomeGoodies but It still needs some help. I think one day I will wallpaper it and change the mirror but for now this is what I got.  I think the current need to not feel like an ugly man most days might be the driving force behind the flowers and girly things everywhere. Here's a question, Am I alone in thinking that motherhood, a seemingly womanly thing, has left me feeling quite manly on most days. Talking about poop and dirt and various bodily functions...it's rarely glamorous. Anyways, here is the ottoman before.

I recovered it in the fabric I ordered back in this post

Then I took 2 door knockers and spray painted them gold and screwed them into the sides as an accent.

Which made them look like this!

and now my vanity looks like this.....

Don't judge...this needs a LOT of work. 


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