Carmel is one of those bloggers that has post after post of amazing projects. Every last one is good. I'm crazy for her son's Union Jack Headboard, and Oversized Chalkboard Calendar...but it's her love of gold that sealed our friendship.

What is your road trip essential snack?
Iced coffee, dark chocolate and cashews
You've been handed two free round-trip tickets...who are you taking and where are you going?
What was your high school jam?
Snoop Dog - Gin and Juice
Would you rather have a perfect bum, or a flawless face?
Flawless Face

What shows are you ashamed to admit are on your DVR?
Ain't no shame in my game.......The Vampire Diaries is legit television.
What's your ringtone?
It's the default tone - I know - so boring.
How old were you when you had your first kiss? Was it meh or toe-curling?
I was 14 and it was pretty amazing.
Do you have any siblings, and if so, where are you in the birth order?
I have a half sister and half brother - on my dad's side. I'm the baby, but I'm my mom's only child.
What physical quirk were you born with?
I was born with a birthmark that looked like a bruise on my left knee. You can't really see it now, but when I was little it was really noticeable.
What was your first car, and did you name it?
The year was 1995, and I was rolling deep in a 1986 maroon Mercury Sable. Everyone called it "the sable".
What would you request for your last supper?
A bacon wrapped filet, baked sweet potato with crumbled bacon on top and garlic broccoli with chopped bacon.
Have you ever been hospitalized, and if so, what for?
Just when I had my kids.
How tall are you? Do you wish you were taller, shorter...or are you just right?
I'm content with my short 5'3" self.
Do you prefer to DIY or hire it out?
I like to DIY as much as I can, but I will definitely hire out for anything over my level of expertise (which isn't very high).
What do you eat for breakfast?
I love to start my day with a good meal, but I rarely have the time to cook in
the morning. So I make a bunch of breakfast meals ahead and freeze them.
I'd blog. ;)
Finish this sentence: Every room needs....a little black.
Almost every day. I'm not a hair person. My hair looks like a brown mop most of the time.
Nope - I always have a little liner, mascara and lip gloss on.....I don't want to scare anyone.
You just unloaded your Halloween haul...what candy do you go for first?
Anything dark chocolate.
* * * * *
Okay, I've seen the girl in person, and without makeup...she's stunning, and her hair is like shiny silk. We were roommates at Haven, and I think I weirded her out because I couldn't stop staring at how gorgeous she is!!
Jamie, I Suwannee
Shay, Mix & Match Mama
Laura, Hollywood Housewife
Sheaffer, Pinterest Told Me To
Emily, Emily A. Clark
Sarah, Thrifty Decor ChickKristin, The Hunted Interior
Kate, Centsational Girl
* * * * *
Okay, I've seen the girl in person, and without makeup...she's stunning, and her hair is like shiny silk. We were roommates at Haven, and I think I weirded her out because I couldn't stop staring at how gorgeous she is!!
Check out the other {20 Questions} Players:
Jamie, I Suwannee
Shay, Mix & Match Mama
Laura, Hollywood Housewife
Sheaffer, Pinterest Told Me To
Emily, Emily A. Clark
Sarah, Thrifty Decor Chick
Kate, Centsational Girl
Natalie, Designer Bags & Dirty Diapers
Megan, Honey We're Home
Carmel, Our Fifth House
Jen, I Heart Organizing
Chelsea, Two Twenty Two
Chassity, Look Linger LoveMegan, Honey We're Home
Carmel, Our Fifth House
Jen, I Heart Organizing
Chelsea, Two Twenty Two
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