Hi friends, and happy Monday! I hope you had a fabulous weekend, that felt twice as long as it really was. Does that even make sense?! You know how some weekends feel longer than others, even though most all of them are only two days? I'm rambling. It's the bleach talking.

After all that teasing, I'm a little nervous to show you my new hairdo. Hopefully it's not a big anti-climactic womp-womp! My gorgeous friend we visited in Nashville, also happens to be a rockstar hair stylist. (Ever heard of Kelly Clarkson or Sheryl Crow?) And the perk of staying with her for a week, is a series of sessions in her chair until it's perfect. I think she nailed it...this haircut is so me, and I love it!

Hi Sugarplum | Angled Bob Haircut

I'll start from the beginning. Obviously, after a year of Mr. Sugarplum doing my color (yes, he really does...DIY all the way, baby), she needed to correct even out a few shades with a fat highlight. I got to satisfy my baby fix at the same time. She wasn't impressed.


My color was better, but we discovered my ends were jacked! A bad haircut (from someone in Texas), left me with uneven length, and wispy ends.

Here's a tip for you...unless you have Amanda-Seyfried-hair (I do not), NEVER let anyone texturize or 'take the weight out' of your hair. It's fancy talk for combing a razor through your hair, removing half of it...essentially f#%ing you up! Your ponytail will look like toddler-hair if you do. Exhibit A:

Hi Sugarplum | Angled Bob Haircut

So she worked her magic and left me with this really cute cut...healthy, layered, and even. It didn't even look like the same hair!

Hi Sugarplum | Angled Bob Haircut

I lived with it for a day (since we have 5 kids between us, hair-time started around 10pm), then we decided if we were going to cut it, we might as well really cut it. Mr. Sugarplum has been after me to make it short and sassy for awhile, and I don't trust anyone but my friend, so we went for it.


I basically style it the same as before, but it has more shape and sass to it. I'm stilling figuring it out, hence why it looks a little helmety in some of these pics.

Hi Sugarplum | Angled Bob  Haircut

 I prefer it disheveled like she styled it, but haven't mastered that look, yet.

Hi Sugarplum | Angled Bob  Haircut

It's just below the nape of my neck, but with the side pieces so much longer, I can still pull it back.

Hi Sugarplum | Angled Bob Haircut

I have a lethal cowlick, so the side-swoop bang will always remain.

Hi Sugarplum | Angled Bob Haircut

I go through long hair phases, but I always come back to short. I think it's so much fun, and there are so many things to do with it. And hopefully it will break me of my ponytail rut.

Hi Sugarplum | Angled Bob Haircut

I hit the friend trifecta with this girl....amazing, funny and crazy-talented!

She's not an amazon, I'm just ducking behind her.

I love it! And Mr. Sugarplum looooooooves it. #knowwhatImsaying

Have you done a major haircut lately? Does your man prefer your hair long or short? What do you think of my new 'do!?!


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