The main conversation in our house lately has been about princesses, catwoman, ninjas and creepy guys with machetes. In other words, the impossible decision of what costume to choose for Halloween! For Babygirl, the struggle is getting her to make a final decision before everything sells out. Our son wants to be something gory and bloody, so that battle is trying to find a compromise between scary and demonic.

But one thing we all agree on, is setting a fun stage for when the trick-or-treaters come knocking!

Halloween Porch with bats

We prefer a touch of spooky over cutesy, but not enough to scare the little ones. I used this template to cut the bats out of stiff felt (found at Hobby Lobby). Even though the porch is covered, I didn't want to risk using cardstock. The stiff felt holds its shape, too, so the bats have a real three-dimensional look. I stuck them to the door and brick with duck tape, and so far, not a single one has flown fallen off.

Halloween Porch with bats

A few black crows and skeleton heads from the Dollar Store add to the haunted house effect.

Halloween Porch with bats

Halloween Porch with bats

Halloween Porch with bats

Halloween Porch with bats

The bats are even fun from inside the house.

Halloween Porch with bats

Look out, this porch is batty.

Halloween Porch with bats 

Is there a costume war going on in your house? Do you have any suggestions to satisfy a tween boy's desire to be scary, without looking evil?

You can check out past Halloween porches here and here. And more Halloween and Fall projects here.


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