Today we're celebrating Mr. Sugarplum's birthday! It's a momentous occasion...not only because he was born, but for the next two months, he's a whole six years older than me. That's practically a generation gap. One adult and one senior, please. But I'll go easy on his advancing age, seeing as how my birthday is around the corner...and it's kind of a big one. Why is it men get finer with age?!


Mr. Sugarplum possesses all the qualities God knew I needed in a man (including some to drive me bonkers). He's one of those people everyone likes and opens up to, he makes everything we do fun, he works at being a great husband and father, and I think it's his mission to make me laugh every day.


I shared some of his personal back story here (every comment on that post raises a donation to the Alzheimer's Association!).


Life is grand with him in it...and we are a lucky family to have him.


Happy, happy birthday, baby!
You're the heart and laughter of our lives!

Boston Cream is his favorite, so we'll either whip up these cupcakes or this eclair dessert. Yum! And don't forget tomorrow is our About An Hour party...come link up all your easy, breezy projects we can complete in an afternoon!


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