Happy, Merry Friday!! Hopefully shopping and decorating are winding down in your house, and you are settling in to enjoy and savor this season. I hope to spend the weekend snuggled up with my family and gazing at our Color Blocked Tree. I tend to take the decor down soon after Christmas, so I have less than a week left to enjoy it. Today's Friday Five has a few things to inspire and help you with the last-minute details.

1) No matter how much I plan ahead, there are always a few gifts straggling at the end, and I'm left scrounging for tags. These free printables will come in handy.

christmas tag 5

2) It's been an honor to be a contributor for I Heart Organizing this year, but even better, was becoming real-life friends with the sweet Jen. She is amazing and adorable, and now I'm honored to call her friend. She ended the year with a blow-out round-up Contributor Post, which has all of us answering her frequently asked organizing questions. While you're over there, check out her new Gift Wrap Station, too. You'll probably lick your computer.

3) I loved sharing our Home Tour in Just a Girl's Christmas series....but even better was all the inspiration from the fellow bloggers! Did you see them all? I've updated the links, so cuddle up with a cocoa and go check them out....they are sure to kick your Christmas spirit up another notch.

 Hi Sugarplum | Christmas House Tour

Another fun series was sharing my Favorite Things with 320 Sycamore. I loved reading through everyone else's picks, and now I have a new list of things to try out!

Hi Sugarplum | Favorite things 2013

4) This is the final week for Faith, our Elf on the Shelf...and I think I'll miss her more than the kids. These were the most popular this week, but follow me on InstaGram for all her hijinks.

She had an all-night bender, double-fisting both the chocolate and caramel syrups.

Faith's dreams of joining Cirque du Soleil were dashed when she realized she lacked the upper-body strength to pull herself back up the rope.

She found herself the victim of a hostage situation. What her captors didn't know, is that Santa doesn't negotiate with plastic terrorists.

Tired of being called 'polyester arms', Faith set out to prove there was more to her than synthetic filler.

And it's been fun with so many of you playing along in the #HiSugarplumElfFun, too....here are a few of my favorites this week.

Hi Sugarplum | Elf on a Shelf

 Hi Sugarplum | Elf on a Shelf

 Hi Sugarplum | Elf on a Shelf

Hi Sugarplum | Elf on a Shelf

5) And finally, I wanted to remind you guys of the best and easiest Pay It Forward you can do all season...and it doesn't cost a dime! For every new 'Like' on their Facebook page, New Leaf Energy will PLANT A TREE!! So far, we've planted 287 trees!! That is so awesome...like a little mini Sugarplum Forest! If you want to plant a tree, all you have to do is click this link! But hurry, their tree drive ends December 23rd.

 new leaf

How was your week? Are you done with the shopping, wrapping and cooking? Happy weekend, lovebugs!


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