This is the time of year that all the magazines, newspapers, and websites start counting down the 'Best ofs' for the past year. Even bloggers get in on the action. I'll be recapping my most popular posts and projects, and the status of my Home Goals of 2013. Today I'm thrilled to be part of the lovely Melissa's Favorite Things Series. I've been reading them on her blog, 320 Sycamore, for years, and I'm excited to play along this year.

To keep my list at 10, I focused only on new things I discovered and fell in love with this year. Here they are, in no particular order.

1) I've been a fan of colored jeans for awhile, and this year I added Patterned Jeans to the mix. I own both these leopard and camo patterns, and they wear just like neutrals. (See some of my outfits with the camo pants here.) As cute as they are, however, they don't magically keep my thighs from touching, like the pictures indicate.

Hi Sugarplum | favorite patterned jeans

2) I would almost trade my first-born child for a jar of Trader Joe's Cookie Butter. Earlier this year our store had a shortage, and they kept it hidden under had to ask the manager for a jar, and then you could only have one! I might have panicked. If you don't have a Trader Joe's, don't worry, you can find it on Amazon

3) I don't burn a lot of candles at home, but when I do, Trapp Orange Vanilla is my favorite. But when the holidays roll around, I become obsessed with Trapp White Fir. It smells like Christmas, and Heaven, and Oprah's house, all wrapped in one perfect candle. It's the one holiday thing I don't give up when January rolls around.

4) If you have kids, then you go to approximately 87 birthday parties a year. #embellisher Even if you don't have kids, you likely have a few you buy gifts for each year. Well, I discovered the best kid-gift on the planet... Kiwi Crate. For only $20, the cutest box will arrive on your doorstep, full of supplies to create 2-3 craft projects. These aren't janky crafts, either. My daughter is obsessed with them, and I love gifting something creative to all her friends, instead of a plastic toy that will get tossed aside after a few days. There are several themes to choose from, and you can even subscribe to a monthly service. Use this link and get $10 off your first crate.

5) I picked up these Booties during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale...they are a little edgier than my usual style, but I took a chance because of the great price. I can't tell you how good I feel when I wear's almost like I'm Carrie Bradshaw's BFF.

Wearing my booties in New York for the Lowes Blogger Event.

6) When I'm not trying to be cool in my booties, you'll find me in my basic uniform...these boots and Fleece Wrap are in weekly rotation. If I'm honest, the wrap is practically a daily's so comfy I usually pair it with pajamas as soon as I get home from work. It's like wearing a sweatshirt, without looking like you're in sweats. Does that even make sense?

Bobeau Asymmetrical Fleece Wrap Cardigan (Regular & Petite)

7) I've sung the praises of our Keurig before, along with how we organize the K-cups, but I couldn't leave it off this list. I love this thing. How I can love something so much that I didn't even know I needed, is beyond me. But I do. And dare I say, it's a marriage-saver, too?! No more 'who's going to make the coffee?' or 'who drank all the coffee?'

Hi Sugarplum | Keurig love

8) If you're a new-ish reader around here, then you likely don't know I'm not a regular hair-washer. I bathe daily...let's just get that out of the way...but I don't wash my hair until it frightens children. #embellisher The only way to stretch the days is with dry shampoo. And let me tell you, I'm a dry shampoo connoisseur...I've tried drugstore and designer, but the only one I use is Psssssst Instant Dry Shampoo. It's hard as heck to find, so I just order it by the case online.

psssst! Instant Spray Shampoo - 5.3 oz

9) Can we agree there are about 1082 different kinds of mascara? Girls are fussy-pants about their eyelashes, but all we want is for them to look thick and long, without flaking, and maybe even make us look skinnier. Well, the skinny part I've yet to find in a mascara, but Maybelline New York The Falsies Volum' Express does all the rest. You can keep buying $35 dollar mascara if you want, but I'll stick to this $7 stuff.

Maybelline Volum' Express The Falsies Spoon Brush Washable Mascara, Very Black 281 - 1 ea

10) And finally, my very favorite home decor item of this year is this Ikea Striped Throw and Pillow. They are both less than $20, and fit perfectly in any decor. I am constantly moving mine around, and always marvel at how great they look. In fact, I may have more than one. Or two. 

Hi Sugarplum | Christmas Home Tour

Bonus Thing!) I'm sort of an only child, so of course I have to over-achieve and give you 11 things. I added this EF 50mm Camera Lens to my camera bag this year, and all of a sudden I take some pretty rocking pictures. No joke, it's not me, it's the lens!

Obviously I'm being shallow and totally first-world with my picks. Of course I'd choose my family and dog over camo pants....these are the materialistic things of 2013 that have made my heart flutter and my life easier. I wish I were Oprah and could gift each of you with them all!

So, do we share any Favorite Things? What would you add to the list? Melissa is hosting a Favorite Things link party on December 19, so be sure to check that out. Now you get to hop over to the next bloggers to see their fun picks!

Michelle from 4 Men 1 Lady
Wendy from The Shabby Nest

320 Sycamore Favorite Things


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