I can't believe August is actually here, and tomorrow I fly to Atlanta for the Haven Conference! I'm so excited to meet favorite bloggers from all over, and speak about the greatness of #SocialMedia. (You like what I did there?) Not to mention, pick up some great new design, photography and DIY skills!

I've been blogging for over three years (wha?!) and never felt the need for business cards, since I don't consider my creative space (i.e. this blog) a business. But the essence of conferences is to meet others, and swap information so you can further the relationship...thus, my need for 'business' cards.

The adorable Pam of Pixelimpress created them for me...and I could not be happier. Of course I can never leave well-enough alone, so I had to Liberace them up a bit. You aren't surprised though, are you?

Hi Sugarplum | DIY Gilded Business Cards

I got the idea from Camille, but used a different method. After trying craft paint, Sharpies, and Rub 'n Buff, I settled on a Krylon gold leaf pen.

Hi Sugarplum | DIY Gilded Business Cards

Align the card's edges, and hold them firmly together (you don't want any gaps or slippage). Prep the pen on a separate sheet of paper so the paint flows freely, then color the edges. Use even strokes that follow the lines of the cards, and you'll get a smooth finish with very little bleeding.

Hi Sugarplum | DIY Gilded Business Cards

None of the other methods had the true gild and shine of the gold leaf pen. Puuuuuuuurty!

Hi Sugarplum | DIY Gilded Business Cards

Remember I asked ya'll to vote for your favorite card design? It seems none of us could choose just one, so I went with two. I wanted the cards to look and feel like my blog, and I think Pam nailed it!

Hi Sugarplum | DIY Gilded Business Cards

She even made the Social Media tags look like paint strokes! Genius!

Hi Sugarplum | DIY Gilded Business Cards
I removed my last name for the post...no reason to make it easy for the internet-crazies.

Do you have a card? Why yes, I do!

Hi Sugarplum | DIY Gilded Business Cards

Hi Sugarplum | DIY Gilded Business Cards

There's still paint left in the pen, so something else is bound to be gilded soon! Are you gold-crazed, too? Don't you just love my Pixelimpress cards?!

You know I'll be posting all the Haven fun on InstaGram and Facebook...so follow along if you'd like!

More Liberace Gold Projects:


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