There, I said it. Out loud. Today is my 40th birthday.


And I'll admit I've been struggling with it, as an impending doom. Like it was some kind of label that changed who I am, or stuck me in a different category. That somehow the new decade meant I could no longer wear my hair long, my nails navy blue, or shop in the Juniors department (okay, maybe I should give that one up...but it's the upside for having no boobs!). "Forty is too old for that stuff," I was telling myself. "Maybe I'm supposed to wear a one-piece at the beach?"

But last night as I sat down to write this post, after an amazing weekend full of family and friends, love and celebrations, I had no feelings of dread or doom...only gratefulness for all the love and support I have, the amazing life I've lived, and the joy that still lies ahead.


Maybe I have more lines on my face, but that's from all the laughing...hard, snorting, pee your pants laughs. Yes I've discovered some dark spots, but that's because I love being outdoors and have been lucky enough to explore the world. The loose skin on my stomach? I have two beautiful kids who I was blessed to carry. Now the loose skin on my neck, well, that's just rude.


I hit the husband jackpot, there's no question about it. It's cliche to say you want to grow old with someone, but when faced with the reality of what that actually looks like, some people run turn away. But his unconditional blind love gives me so much confidence and security, and makes me excited for the future, no matter how wrinkled.


I no longer think of 40 as a label, but rather a badge. A blue ribbon of sorts that I've made it through puberty, high school, the uncertainty of my 20s, early years of marriage, and my kid's preschool years.   And while (God-willing) I'm not in the twilight of my life, I have nothing but excitement for what lies ahead. Life just keeps getting better, and I think I'm getting better right along with it!


But you can bet your boots I'll never give in to gray hair, my nails will be all the colors of the rainbow, and as long as my backside fits a Juniors size....I'll be squeezed in it! And I have a whole gaggle of lifetime friends who will be right there with me!

And the frosting on this cupcake? Look who I share a birthday with....

hey girl


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