{What You Need}
Old Sweaters with banded hem
Marker or Chalk
Straight Pins
Fabric Scissors
Embroidery Thread & Needle or Sewing Machine

Place hand on sweater, with the hem around your wrist, and thumb fully outstretched.

Draw around the hand with at least 1/4-inch allowance. Repeat this process twice with each hand.

Cut out your four hands, and align each mitten with right-side facing in, then pin in place.

Sew or hand-stitch, leaving the bottom at the hem open. Once you turn them right-side out, they shouldn't look like this. I'm challenged when it comes to the sewing machine. It's okay to laugh. And even point.

Hopefully your first attempt turns out more like my second...

And hopefully the person you made them for is this cute and happy with them!

My daughter is too hard on her clothes to save them anymore, so I picked up these sweaters at the thrift store. But in her early years, I would have loved to hang on to some of those precious outfits and re-purpose them!

I've got my eye on some sad-looking sweaters in my closet for my own custom pair. But we hit 70-degrees this weekend, so here's hoping we've seen the last of mittens for awhile. Do you have a 'special' relationship with your sewing machine? Do you feel better about your skills now that you've witnessed mine?!
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