What do you guys think??????????????

Are you into it? 

I am obsessed with it, it's so my vibe..no

I wanted to kick off this new look right by giving you some free stuff

My newest sponsor 

has generously offered up some goods for your pillaging

Whoop Whoop

Crystaly Geodey Magnety Goodness

So lets get winning: Here is How

1. Follow the BrooklynThread blog, Lifestyle Bohemia:HERE

2. Go "Like" BrooklynThread on Facebook: HERE

3. Follow BrooklynThread on Twitter: HERE

4. If your slow on the draw and don't follow this blog officially do it HERE

5. Don't forget Twitter: HERE

Tweet it and Wall it up on FB and get some extra chances

In other 

the Shoppe is officially getting launched this week....

I promise I will chill out with all of this business soon and get back to 
some design 


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