Hey there, friends! How was your weekend? I hope it felt long, and was full of laughs and good food. Mr. SP and I ended up taking a last-minute trip to California on Saturday, and are actually flying home today. I've alluded to some personal crappola brewing in my life lately, and the time finally came that I had to deal with it. I'm not trying to be coy, it's just a little raw to talk about yet. Let's just say it involves forgiveness, and making peace. Life is a toughie sometimes, right? But God didn't promise us it would be easy, just that it would be good. I've been leaning on that one lately.
We were able to squeeze in some fun time while in LA, too...like a walk on the beach, hiking through the hills, and a quiet dinner....basically soaking up some of the laid-back California living. I could certainly picture myself moving into Amber Valletta's colorful and cool Santa Monica villa.
I love that her master bedroom is pink...and that her husband is okay with it! Would your significant other go for hot pink on the bedroom walls? You know mine was fine with
pale pink in the Dining Room, and even
dark pink on the Pool Bath doors, but in the bedroom might be pushing it. What's your favorite thing about her home?
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